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Department of Commerce
Federal Agency

United States

What to Report to the OIG Hotline
Commerce OIG maintains a Hotline for receiving allegations of fraud, waste, abuse, or gross mismanagement in the Department of Commerce’s programs and operations, including any organization or entity receiving Departmental funds. The following is a list of examples of types of allegations that should be reported:
  • Contract and grant fraud
  • Environmental, health, and safety violations
  • Computer crimes (including internet pornography)
  • Product substitution and suspect/counterfeit parts
  • Bribery, kickbacks, and gratuities
  • False statements and false claims
  • Conflicts of interest and ethics violations
  • Travel fraud
  • Theft or abuse of government property
  • Gross mismanagement of funds
  • Other violations of federal laws and regulations
In addition, if you suspect that you have been retaliated against for whistleblowing, you may contact the Commerce OIG Hotline or the Office of Special Counsel.
What Not to Report to the OIG Hotline
Certain matters are better resolved through other channels, instead of the Commerce OIG Hotline. The following matters are NOT generally investigated by Commerce OIG:
  • 911 emergencies regarding a Departmental facility or operation. Report to the local or state law enforcement authorities and the Department of Commerce’s Office of Security.
  • Complaints of EEO discrimination and retaliation. Report to the Department of Commerce’s Office of Civil Rights.
  • Personal theft. Report to Department of Commerce’s Office of Security.
  • Personnel matters involving requests for individual relief. Report to the servicing Office of Human Resources Management.
  • Employment related grievances or complaints against management officials unless part of a whistleblower claim. Report to the servicing Office of Human Resources Management.
  • Assistance with the U.S. patent application process (e.g., initial filing, patent examination, and post-examination) and case prosecution concerns (e.g., claim objections, after-final practice, claim rejections and restrictions). Contact the Patents Ombudsman Office (

Biennial Audit of the Department’s Compliance with Geospatial Data Act Requirements

Department of Commerce OIG
Department of Commerce

Our objective was to assess the Department’s compliance with the 13 covered agency responsibilities in 43 U.S.C. § 2808(a). To meet this objective, we reviewed our audit results from 2020 and 2022 and obtained updated information from the Department for each of the 13 requirements. In addition, we...

Research Foundation Pays $313,574 To Resolve Claims That University Research Scientist Failed To Disclose Foreign Support

Research Foundation Pays $313,574 To Resolve Claims That University Research Scientist Failed To Disclose Foreign Support
Article Type
Investigative Press Release
Publish Date

Research Foundation Pays $313,574 To Resolve Claims That University Research Scientist Failed To Disclose Foreign Support

NOAA’s Office of Space Commerce Efforts to Provide Space Situational Awareness Services Have Been Delayed and Need a Realistic Schedule

Department of Commerce OIG
Department of Commerce

Objects orbiting Earth such as satellites and debris continue to increase in number, making space contested and congested. Preventing collisions is crucial to protecting the safety of space activities and assets.In June 2018, the White House issued Space Policy Directive-3, National Space Traffic...

Management Alert: February 2024 FirstNet Authority’s Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network Outage Raised a Significant Risk to the Readiness of First Responders Across the Country

Department of Commerce OIG
Department of Commerce

In response to the terror attacks of 9/11, the First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) was established in 2012 as an independent authority within the National Telecommunications and Information Administration (NTIA) to oversee a national communications network dedicated to emergency...

NIST Surpassed Hiring Goals for CHIPS But Did Not Develop a Comprehensive Workforce Plan

Inspection / Evaluation
Department of Commerce OIG
Department of Commerce

Over the past several decades, the United States has lost ground as a leader in semiconductor chip manufacturing and research. Congress passed the CHIPS Act of 2022 to help rebuild the domestic semiconductor industry and strengthen semiconductor research and development.The CHIPS Act provides $50...

A 3-Year Exposure of Privacy Act-Protected Data Revealed USPTO Mismanagement in Safeguarding the Sensitive PII of Trademark Filers

Inspection / Evaluation
Department of Commerce OIG
Department of Commerce

The objective of our evaluation was to assess USPTO’s actions in response to the exposure of domicile addresses to determine whether USPTO complied with federal and U.S. Department of Commerce (the Department) information technology (IT) security standards.We found that USPTO mishandled the required...

The Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources Needs to Fully Comply with Procurement Regulations When Executing NOAA Awards

Department of Commerce OIG
Department of Commerce

The objectives of our audit were to determine whether the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (1) claimed allowable, allocable, and reasonable costs, and (2) met performance requirements of the grants.To address this objective, we reviewed $1,676,515.45 in claimed costs and...

FirstNet Authority’s Lack of Contract Oversight for Device Connection Targets Puts the NPSBN at Risk of Impacting First Responders’ Use of the Network

Department of Commerce OIG
Department of Commerce

We announced two concurrent audits to determine whether First Responder Network Authority (FirstNet Authority) is ensuring that AT&T is achieving the desired results for device connection targets and Nationwide Public Safety Broadband Network (NPSBN) coverage for each state and territory. We...

The Department Can Improve Processes to Ensure Locality Pay Is Accurate

Department of Commerce OIG
Department of Commerce

For our audit on U.S. Department of Commerce (Department) locality pay, our objective was to determine whether the Department ensures employees are paid the correct locality pay in accordance with applicable regulations and policy. We found that I. Department personnel did not timely initiate or...

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