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National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Federal Agency

United States

What to Report to the OIG Hotline
If you are aware of fraud, waste, abuse or misconduct relating to NASA programs and operations, including NASA employees, contracts, subcontracts, grants and sub-grants, you may disclose such information to the NASA OIG Hotline. NASA OIG also has jurisdiction to investigate allegations of whistleblower retaliation involving civil servants (generally the U.S. Office of Special Counsel has primary jurisdiction in this area), contractor and subcontractor employees, grantee and sub-grantee employees and personal services contractors.
What Not to Report to the OIG Hotline
Equal Employment Opportunity complaints. These may be filed with the NASA Office of Diversity and Equal Opportunity at

2024 Report on NASA's Top Management and Performance Challenges

Top Management Challenges
National Aeronautics and Space Administration OIG
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

In this year’s report, we identified three key challenges for NASA—improving the management of major programs and projects, partnering with commercial industry, and enabling mission critical capabilities and support services.

Fiscal Year 2024 Risk Assessment of NASA's Charge Card Programs

National Aeronautics and Space Administration OIG
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

The Government Charge Card Abuse Prevention Act requires Inspectors General to conduct periodic assessments of agency purchase and travel card programs to analyze the risk of illegal, improper, or erroneous transactions. For fiscal year 2024, we concluded the risk for these transactions was low, and...

NASA’s Management of Risks to Sustaining ISS Operations through 2030

National Aeronautics and Space Administration OIG
National Aeronautics and Space Administration

For nearly 25 years, astronauts have continuously lived and worked onboard the International Space Station. As the Station ages, NASA will be challenged to ensure the safety of astronauts aboard and to sustain continuous operations, which includes conducting science and research and maintaining the...

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