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What to Report to the OIG Hotline

If you know about waste, fraud, abuse, misconduct, mismanagement, or whistleblower reprisal relating to a AmeriCorps employee, program, operation, grant or contract, you may report it to the AmeriCorps OIG Hotline. AmeriCorps OIG has jurisdiction over disclosures involving AmeriCorps employees, programs, operations, grants, and contracts, including these AmeriCorps programs:

  • AmeriCorps State and National
  • AmeriCorps VISTA (Volunteers in Service to America)
  • AmeriCorps NCCC (National Civilian Community Corps)
  • FEMA Corps
  • Senior Corps (Foster Grandparent, Senior Companion, and RSVP)

CNCS-OIG also has jurisdiction to investigate allegations of whistleblower retaliation involving:

  • Employees of AmeriCorps and AmeriCorps grantees, subgrantees, contractors and subcontractors.

Examples of matters to be reported to AmeriCorps OIG:

  • Any suspected criminal activity or violations of law, such as:
    • Any other misconduct in connection with operations, programs, activities, contracts, subcontracts, grants or subgrants;
    • Mismanagement, abuse of authority or other misconduct by any AmeriCorps personnel.
What Not to Report to the OIG Hotline

The following matters are NOT generally investigated by AmeriCorps OIG:

  • 911 emergencies
  • EEO Complaints (For such matters, please refer to the AmeriCorps Equal Employment Opportunity Office)

Management Alert: Concerns Regarding the Obligation of Rescinded Pandemic Funds and Grant Process Documentation

AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General

In early 2021, AmeriCorps received $1 billion in supplemental funding under the American Rescue Plan (ARP) primarily to award grants in support of its programs. These funds were to remain available until September 30, 2024. On June 3, 2023, however, Congress rescinded all unobligated AmeriCorps ARP...

AmeriCorps Issued Debt to Recover Costs Associated with Volunteer Stipends and Non-compliant National Service Criminal History Checks

Case ID 2023-030
AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General

The AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General (AmeriCorps OIG) investigated allegations that the City of Oakland, Office on Aging (City of Oakland) paid Senior Companion Program (SCP) and Foster Grandparent Program (FGP) volunteers full stipends when volunteers either did not serve or document the...

Investigation Found Subgrantee Made Misrepresentations in its Grant Application and Progress Reports

Case ID 2019-030
AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General

The AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General (AmeriCorps OIG) conducted an investigation that found evidence that the Axiom Education and Training Center (AETC) in Machias, ME, included false information in its AmeriCorps grant application to Serve Maine, and that AETC mismanaged its AmeriCorps...

Investigation Found Subgrantee Made Misrepresentations in its Grant Application and Progress Reports

Case ID 2019-030
AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General

The AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General (AmeriCorps OIG) conducted an investigation that found evidence that the Axiom Education and Training Center (AETC) in Machias, ME, included false information in its AmeriCorps grant application to Serve Maine, and that AETC mismanaged its AmeriCorps...

AmeriCorps Issued Debt to Recover Costs Associated with Violations of non- Displacement Regulations

Case ID 2022-118
AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General

The AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General (AmeriCorps OIG) investigated allegations that AmeriCorps Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) members at Heal the City Free Clinic (HTC), located in Amarillo, TX, were engaging in prohibited activities. HTC was a VISTA service site for the Lone Star...

AmeriCorps to Consider Implementing Future IT System Controls Related to Members Enrolled in Multiple, Concurrent Programs

Case ID 2022-127
AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General

Following the receipt of a complaint that an AmeriCorps member was simultaneously enrolled in two AmeriCorps programs at different grantees without the grantees’ knowledge, AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General (AmeriCorps OIG) initiated a proactive review of members with multiple service terms...

AmeriCorps Grants Missing Required Special Timekeeping Conditions

Case ID 2021-011
AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General

The AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General (AmeriCorps OIG) investigated allegations that The New Teacher Project (TNTP), New York, NY, improperly exited five AmeriCorps members (members) with 1700 hours and thus certified full time education awards for the members, despite previous denials from...

Proactive Review of Unemployment Insurance Benefits Identified Nine Instances of Identity Theft

Case ID 2023-102
AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General

The AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General (AmeriCorps OIG) conducted a proactive review of AmeriCorps employees who may have improperly applied for and received unemployment insurance (UI) payments while actively employed. AmeriCorps OIG developed a list of potential matches of AmeriCorps employees...

AmeriCorps Disallowed Funds Grantee Self-Reported as Inappropriately Charged to its Grant

Case ID 2023-090
AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General

The AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General (AmeriCorps OIG) received allegations that a grantee falsely reported elevated numbers of active volunteers in its Senior Companion Program (SCP) and failed to produce required match funds. The investigation found insufficient evidence to support the...

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