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The Inspector General Reform Act of 2008 requires that the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency (CIGIE) submit recommendations of individuals for consideration as Inspectors General to the appropriate appointing authority.

In response to the legislation, CIGIE established a panel to make such recommendations. The panel identifies qualified candidates for vacant Inspector General positions. Many of these candidates have valuable experience working within the Inspector General community.

The role of an Inspector General involves conducting and supervising audits, investigations, and reviews to detect and prevent waste, fraud, and abuse and promote economy, efficiency, and effectiveness in the administration of the establishment’s programs and operations. Other activities include: (1) reviewing existing and proposed legislation and regulations relating to the establishment’s programs and operations to make recommendations concerning the impact of such legislation or regulations on the economy and efficiency in the administration of those programs and operations or the prevention and detection of fraud and abuse in such programs and operations; and (2) keeping the head of the establishment and the Congress fully and currently informed concerning fraud and other serious problems, abuses, and deficiencies relating to the administration of programs and operations administered or financed by such establishment, to recommend corrective action concerning such problems, abuses, and deficiencies, and to report on the progress made in implementing such corrective action.

  • Roles and Responsibilities

    For more information related to the role and responsibilities of an Inspector General, please reference the Inspector General Act of 1978, as amended, Section 4, “Duties and responsibilities.”

  • Submit Your Resume

    If you are interested in being considered for an Inspector General position, you may submit your resume and a cover letter addressing your qualifications to serve as an Inspector General to:

    You may also contact the appropriate appointing authority.