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Where To Report Waste
Fraud, Abuse, Or Retaliation
Where To Report Waste Fraud, Abuse, Or Retaliation

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission OIG

The U.S. Congress established an OIG at the EEOC through the 1988 amendment of the Inspector General Act (IG Act) of 1978. The OIG supports the Agency by carrying out its mandate to independently and objectively conduct and supervise audits, evaluations, inspections, and investigations; prevent and detect fraud, waste, and abuse; and promote economy, effectiveness, and efficiency in programs and operations. The OIG reviews pending legislation and regulation and keeps the EEOC’s chair and the U.S. Congress informed about Agency issues, recommends corrective action(s), and monitors the EEOC’s progress in implementing such action.

The EEOC OIG is under the leadership of the Inspector General, who provides overall direction, coordination, and supervision to staff. In the EEOC, a designated Federal entity, the Commission Chair appoints the Inspector General and acts under the general supervision of the agency head. Even so, the IG has a dual role since they also report directly to Congress. The EEOC cannot prevent or prohibit the OIG from conducting an audit or investigation. The OIG includes a deputy inspector general, auditors, evaluator, investigators, information technology specialist, independent counsel, and administrative staff.

Joyce T. Willoughby, Esq. is the current Inspector General and is the fourth individual to serve in this capacity.

Agencies Overseen: 
What to Report to the OIG Hotline: 

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) Hotline is a clearinghouse for receiving and handling allegations regarding fraud, waste, abuse, mismanagement, or misconduct affecting Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) programs and operations. Examples of allegations that should be reported to the OIG Hotline include misuse, embezzlement, or theft of government property or funds; contract or procurement fraud; contractor misconduct; employee misconduct, such as misuse of official position; bribes or unauthorized acceptance of gifts; conflicts of interest and other ethical violations; and defense trade control violations.

To process your allegation(s), we will need you to provide as much information as possible regarding the suspect and victim. Your information should include the following:

Who committed the wrongdoing (person, company, or organization)?
What exactly did the individual or entity do?
Where did the activity take place?
When did it happen?
How was the activity committed?
Do you know why the person committed the wrongdoing?
Who else has knowledge of the potential wrongdoing?

Without sufficient information, we may be unable to act on your allegation. The more information you can provide, the better the chance we have of determining whether any wrongdoing has been committed. We are very interested in the information you have regarding waste, fraud, abuse, mismanagement, or misconduct in EEOC programs.

What Not to report to the OIG Hotline : 

Complaints or inquiries regarding charges or complaints of discrimination (including status inquiries, processing complaints, complaints about EEOC employees’ customer service, complaints regarding the merits of charges, or complaints of discrimination).

Complaints of violations of the Agency’s collective bargaining agreement.

Complaints that do not relate to EEOC employees or programs.

Complaints that relate to the programs or employees of another government agency.

Complaints that involve an Agency employee but another agency has enforcement or regulatory jurisdiction (e.g., a complaint that an EEOC employee has falsified his or her Federal income tax information should be presented to the Internal Revenue Service).

Complaints about absence without official leave and leave usage.

Complaints regarding insubordination.

Complaints of discrimination, sexual harassment, or prohibited personnel practices.

Complaints regarding matters pertaining to physical security.