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Report File
Date Issued
Submitting OIG
Department of Veterans Affairs OIG
Other Participating OIGs
Department of Veterans Affairs OIG
Agencies Reviewed/Investigated
Department of Veterans Affairs
Veterans Health Administration
Report Number
Report Description

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) Vet Center Inspection Program provides a focused evaluation of aspects of the quality of care delivered at vet centers. This report focuses on Midwest district 3 zone 1 and four selected vet centers: Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo in Ohio; and South Bend in Indiana. The OIG inspection focused on five review areas: leadership and organizational risks; quality reviews; suicide prevention; consultation, supervision, and training; and environment of care.Generally, district leaders had a good understanding of quality improvement principles and implemented district-wide quality improvement programs in response to VA All Employee Survey results. District 3 zone 1 Vet Center Service Customer Feedback survey results were below the national average in all areas except satisfaction with overall quality of services at the vet center. The OIG issued one recommendation to the district director specific to annual in-service training; this recommendation was closed at the time of publication.The OIG conducted an analysis of vet center quality reviews required to ensure compliance with policy and procedures. The OIG made five recommendations for clinical and administrative quality reviews and two recommendations for morbidity and mortality reviews. The suicide prevention review included a zone-wide evaluation of electronic client records, and a focused review of the four selected vet centers. The OIG issued nine recommendations—seven specific to electronic client records and two for selected vet centers’ suicide prevention and intervention processes. The consultation, supervision, and training review evaluated the four selected vet centers. The OIG identified concerns with external clinical consultation, supervision, audits, and training, and issued four recommendations. The environment of care review evaluated the four selected vet centers. The OIG made two recommendations.

Report Type
Inspection / Evaluation

Cleveland, OH
United States

Number of Recommendations
Questioned Costs
Funds for Better Use

Open Recommendations

This report has 5 open recommendations.
Recommendation Number Significant Recommendation Recommended Questioned Costs Recommended Funds for Better Use Additional Details
04 No $0 $0

The District Director determines reasons for lack of evidence that clinical quality review deficiencies were resolved at the Cleveland, Columbus, and Toledo Vet Centers, takes indicated actions to ensure completion, and monitors compliance.

05 No $0 $0

The District Director determines reasons for lack of evidence for administrative quality review deficiency resolution for the Cleveland, Columbus, and South Bend Vet Centers, takes indicated actions to ensure completion, and monitors compliance

11 No $0 $0

The District Director ensures clinical staff consult and coordinate care with the support VA medical facility for shared clients flagged as high risk for suicide and monitors compliance across all zone vet centers.

14 No $0 $0

The District Director ensures clinical staff complete safety plans for clients who are assessed at intermediate or high suicide risk level in either acute, chronic, or both categories as required, and monitors compliance across all zone vet centers.

15 No $0 $0

The District Director ensures clinical staff consult with the vet center director, external clinical consultant, associate district director for counseling, or support VA medical facility mental health provider to include the suicide prevention coordinator following a client’s suicide risk assessment as required, and monitors compliance across all zone vet centers.

Department of Veterans Affairs OIG

United States