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Report File
Date Issued
Submitting OIG
Department of Justice OIG
Other Participating OIGs
Department of Justice OIG
Agencies Reviewed/Investigated
Department of Justice
Federal Bureau of Prisons
Report Number
Report Type
Agency Wide
Number of Recommendations
Questioned Costs
Funds for Better Use
Report updated under NDAA 5274

Open Recommendations

This report has 3 open recommendations.
Recommendation Number Significant Recommendation Recommended Questioned Costs Recommended Funds for Better Use Additional Details
2 No $0 $0 Status as of December 31, 2024

BOP should reassess its policies to ensure that SHU round documentation is preserved for the possible use of such documentation as original evidence in criminal and administrative investigations and proceedings. As part of this reassessment, the BOP should, among other things, consider (1) adjusting its records retention schedule for SHU round forms; and (2) amending its policies to ensure that staff responding to crime scenes associated with inmate misconduct also collect evidence of potentially related staff misconduct, such as SHU round documentation, and account for the possible use of such evidence as original evidence in criminal and administrative investigations and proceedings.

3 No $0 $0 Status as of December 31, 2024

BOP should modify its policies regarding SHU round forms, including BOP Program Statement 5500.14, Section 310, to refer employees to the document retention schedule for SHU round forms, or otherwise ensure that its employees across all institutions are aware of the retention schedule.

4 No $0 $0 Status as of December 31, 2024

BOP should ensure that all Special Investigative Services Staff, Executive Management Staff, staff involved with evidence collection and preservation, and other relevant staff are trained/advised on how to preserve SHU logs and to recognize when they may be needed as original evidence in criminal or administrative investigations and proceedings, e.g., when there is an escape or death in custody and the original log may reflect who purportedly conducted round counts during the pertinent time period.

Department of Justice OIG

United States