Open Recommendations
Recommendation Number | Significant Recommendation | Recommended Questioned Costs | Recommended Funds for Better Use | Additional Details | |
1 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
We recommend that OPM modify FEHBP contract lanugage for all applicable records retention clauses to require the retention and accessibility of claims for 10 years plus the current year in a manner of OPM/HI's choosing. | |||||
2 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
We recommend OPM modify or add language in Section 1.9 of all FEHBP contracts to inlcude all relevant sections and attachments of CL 2017-13, or modify all FEHBP contracts to add relevant language stating that all CLs are an addendum to the contract language and enforceable as a contract requirement. | |||||
3 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
We recommend OPM modify or add language to the appropriate Section of the FFS and ER-HMO FEHBP contracts to state that all FWA-related recoveries must be deposited into the working capital or investment account within 30 days and returned to or accounted for in the FEHBP contingency reserve fund account within 60 days after receipt by the carrier. | |||||
4 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
We recommend that OPM add language to all FEHBP contracts requiring carriers to notify the OIG's Office of Investigations regarding their intention to share FEHBP fraudulent activity with outside parties, and obtain approval from OIG's Office of Investigations before sharing this information. | |||||
5 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
We recommend that OPM modify or add language to all FFS and ER-HMO FEHBP contracts requiring PBMs or providers under a Large Provider Agreement, who provide services or supplies related to benefit administration, to have an FWA program that meets the OPM contract and CL 2017-13 requirements. | |||||
6 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
We recommend that OPM modify the ER-HMO and FFS contracts to require that vendors under Large Provider Agreements return all FWA-related recoveries to the carrier within 30 days, whereby carriers must deposit these recoveries into their working capital or investment account within 30 days. Once deposited into one of these accounts, the carrier must return the recoveries to the contingency reserve fund. | |||||
7 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
We recommend that OPM modify Section 2.3(g) and 2.3(g)(ii) to provide expectations for how carriers are to proactively identify overpayments and to define what it means by egregious errors. | |||||
8 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
We recommend that OPM modify Section 2.3(g) requring carriers to report on their collection efforts, including how promptly the carrier initiated collection once the erroneous payment was identified and the causes of the claim payment errors. | |||||
9 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
We recommend that OPM review the current recovery process in Section 2.3(g)(1) through (5) and consider whether the use of benefit offsets, after the first written notification is sent, would be more cost efficient. | |||||
10 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
We recommend that OPM modify FEHBP contracts to clarify the Agency's authority to recoup projected improper payments identified by statistical sampling. | |||||
11 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
We recommend modifying Section 2.6(g), in the amendment to the Coordination of Benefits section of the FFS contract, to allow for the recovery of low dollar claims that result from claims system errors. |