John Sevier Fossil Plant (JSF) is the first in a series of planned plant retirements to enter the demolition phase of the Tennessee Valley Authority's (TVA) Decommissioning, Deactivation, Decontamination, and Demolition (D4) process. In the demolition phase, the plant, associated equipment, facilities, and structures are removed. Demolition also includes creating conditions for proper site drainage and establishing vegetation. TVA contracted with Brandenburg Industrial Service Company (Brandenburg) to perform the demolition at JSF. We initiated this evaluation due to inherent safety risks associated with the demolition phase of deconstruction and TVA's lack of recent experience in fossil plant demolition. Our objective was to determine whether demolition activities at JSF were adhering to safety principles found in the TVA D4 Program Guide and were in compliance with selected safety criteria established in Brandenburg's Health and Safety Plan (HASP) for JSF. Our evaluation found TVA and Brandenburg met most of the safety requirements included in TVA's D4 Program Guide and Brandenburg's HASP for JSF and selected for review by the OIG. However, we determined Brandenburg was not in compliance with hazard identification requirements outlined in its HASP and the D4 Overview training records were not maintained at JSF by Brandenburg for 6 of the 25 sampled Brandenburg employees. We also noted potential safety hazards that were corrected subsequent to our site visit.
Rogersville, TN
United States