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Report File
Title Full
FDIC Readiness to Resolve Large Regional Banks
Date Issued
Submitting OIG
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation OIG
Agencies Reviewed/Investigated
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
Report Number
Report Type
Inspection / Evaluation
Agency Wide
Number of Recommendations
Questioned Costs
Funds for Better Use
Report updated under NDAA 5274

Open Recommendations

This report has 11 open recommendations.
Recommendation Number Significant Recommendation Recommended Questioned Costs Recommended Funds for Better Use Additional Details
1 No $0 $0

Establish and implement an agency-wide resource committee to monitor and report on corporate resource needs, including existing recruiting strategies, staffing levels, and information technology resources in order to strengthen resource planning and response capabilities for large regional bank resolutions.

2 No $0 $0

Complete or update, as applicable, the Regional Resolution Framework Document and related process guides to address significant process gaps.

3 No $0 $0

Establish a practice of regular interdivisional participation in the development and review of the Regional Resolution Framework procedural documents, as appropriate.

4 No $0 $0

Update all FDIC prepared institution-specific resolution plans to the new Resolvability Assessment and Strategic Plan format.

5 No $0 $0

Provide for regular interdivisional participation in the review of IDI-prepared 360.10 resolution plans and FDIC-prepared institution-specific resolution plans.

6 No $0 $0

Develop and implement a resolution readiness training program for key personnel responsible for executing the Regional Resolution Framework and related procedures. The training program should address awareness, plan-specific, role-based, and functional training.

7 No $0 $0

Establish and implement a process of periodic interdivisional exercises of large regional bank resolution activities, to test the ongoing effectiveness of agency-wide response and coordination.

8 No $0 $0

Complete efforts to revise or create Coordination Memos to address all key large regional bank resolution functions where more than one FDIC division shares significant resolution responsibilities.

9 No $0 $0

Identify from after action review documents the recommendations that are the most critical for large
regional bank resolutions and prioritize them with formal tracking and monitoring.

10 No $0 $0

Establish a plan for ensuring that CISR regularly conducts internal reviews of its large regional bank resolution planning activities, as appropriate based on risk.

11 No $0 $0

Implement the Execution Readiness Status Assessment process for large regional bank resolution readiness.

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation OIG

United States