In FY 2017, CIGIE continued to meet its mandated missions, and through this report, we present CIGIE’s accomplishments in FY 2017 reflecting our efforts in meeting our mandate. Together, the work of the OIG community resulted in significant improvements to the economy and efficiency of programs Governmentwide, with potential savings totaling approximately $54.6 billion. With the OIG community’s aggregate FY 2017 budget of approximately $2.5 billion, these potential savings represent about a $22 return on every dollar invested in the OIGs. In Background, we summarize the Council’s history and the Inspector General Empowerment Act of 2016, the most recent enhancement to the Inspector General Act of 1978. We also discuss some of the accomplishments of CIGIE’s standing committees in FY 2017. Then, in Strategic Plan Business Goal Accomplishments, we describe CIGIE’s accomplishments under FY 2017’s three major strategic business goals. Next, we summarize current issues of concern to CIGIE members in Key Legislation Affecting the IG Community and Shared Management and Performance Challenges. We then offer perspective on IG Community Accomplishments and provide Contact Information for CIGIE Members. Finally, we recognize the recipients of the most noteworthy 2017 CIGIE Awards.
Report File
Date Issued
Submitting OIG
Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
Agencies Reviewed/Investigated
Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Efficiency
Report Description
Report Type
CIGIE Annual Report
Fiscal Year
Agency Wide
Investigative Receivables and Recoveries
Potential Savings