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Report File
Date Issued
Submitting OIG
Department of the Interior OIG
Other Participating OIGs
Department of the Interior OIG
Agencies Reviewed/Investigated
Department of the Interior
U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
Report Number
Report Description

We audited costs claimed by the New York Department of Environment Conservation, Division of Fish and Wildlife, under WSFR grants awarded by FWS.

Report Type

United States

Number of Recommendations
Questioned Costs
Funds for Better Use

Open Recommendations

This report has 10 open recommendations.
Recommendation Number Significant Recommendation Recommended Questioned Costs Recommended Funds for Better Use Additional Details
2022-ER-033-01 Yes $7,457,874 $0

We recommend that the FWS require the Department to resolve the Federal share of questioned costs related to unsupported in-kind volunteer match totaling $7,457,874.

2022-ER-033-08 No $0 $0

We recommend that the FWS require the Department to update guidance to include justifications for determining whether WSFR funds pass through as subawards or contracts.

2022-ER-033-10 No $0 $0

We recommend that the FWS require the Department to update existing policies and procedures for performing regular inspections to ensure that all inventory is properly tagged and accounted for and the inventory system is up to date (including the removal of disposed items).

2022-ER-033-02 No $0 $0

We recommend that the FWS require the Department to evaluate the Department’s current grant program in-kind policies and procedures and implement program-specific procedures that align with the overall Department Leave and Accrual Tracking System Training Manual, including supervisory review and approval of individual volunteer contributions.

2022-ER-033-03 No $0 $0

We recommend that the FWS require the Department to evaluate the volunteer management system controls and implement any new controls to document volunteer certification of donated time.

2022-ER-033-04 No $0 $0

We recommend that the FWS require the Department to develop and provide training, to include any updates and revisions after a policy review, for all Department employees with responsibility for reviewing in-kind documentation.

2022-ER-033-06 No $0 $0

We recommend that the FWS require the Department to analyze and provide justification regarding the allowability of license revenue by the New York State Office of the State Comptroller.

2022-ER-033-07 No $0 $0

We recommend that the FWS require the Department to resolve any potential diversion of license revenue.

2022-ER-033-09 No $0 $0

We recommend that the FWS require the Department to ensure staff are trained on how to make subaward determinations using the newly developed guidance and provide evidence of training.

2022-ER-033-11 No $0 $0

We recommend that the FWS require the Department to establish controls and determine milestones to track the Department’s progress in properly tagging and accounting for all inventory.

Department of the Interior OIG

United States