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Report File
Date Issued
Submitting OIG
National Science Foundation OIG
Other Participating OIGs
National Science Foundation OIG
Agencies Reviewed/Investigated
National Science Foundation
Report Number
Report Type

Kingston, RI
United States

Number of Recommendations
Questioned Costs
Funds for Better Use
External Entity
University of Rhode Island

Open Recommendations

This report has 5 open recommendations.
Recommendation Number Significant Recommendation Recommended Questioned Costs Recommended Funds for Better Use Additional Details
1.1 Yes $268,340 $0

Resolve the $268,340 in questioned and non-compliant cost share expenditures and direct URI to remove the sustained questioned and non-compliant cost share expenditures from the cost sharing reports it submitted to NSF. If the removal of disallowed cost share expenditures causes the award to fall short of the mandatory cost sharing requirement for either award, direct URI to repay NSF funds associated with the unmet cost sharing obligation.

2.2 Yes $2,260 $0

Direct URI to provide documentation supporting that it has repaid or otherwise credited the $2,260 of questioned furniture and travel costs for which it has agreed to reimburse NSF.

3.1 Yes $121,719 $0

Resolve the $121,719 in questioned indirect and subaward costs for which URI has not agreed to reimburse NSF and direct URI to repay or otherwise remove the sustained questioned costs from its NSF awards.

4.1 Yes $24,683 $0

Resolve the $24,683 in questioned inadequately supported subaward expenses for which URI has not agreed to reimburse NSF and direct URI to repay or otherwise remove the sustained questioned costs from its NSF awards.

5.1 Yes $6,363 $0

Direct URI to provide documentation supporting that it has repaid or otherwise credited the $6,363 in questioned unallocable equipment costs for which URI has agreed to reimburse NSF.

National Science Foundation OIG

United States