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Report File
Date Issued
Submitting OIG
National Endowment for the Arts OIG
Other Participating OIGs
National Endowment for the Arts OIG
Agencies Reviewed/Investigated
National Endowment for the Arts
Report Number
Report Type
Agency Wide
Number of Recommendations
Questioned Costs
Funds for Better Use
Report updated under NDAA 5274

Open Recommendations

This report has 6 open recommendations.
Recommendation Number Significant Recommendation Recommended Questioned Costs Recommended Funds for Better Use Additional Details
1 Yes $0 $0

The Council should update its contract templates to include the required information.

2 Yes $0 $0

The Council should establish and conduct periodic internal reviews of its subawarding processes to ensure understanding of, and compliance with, Federal and NEA subawarding requirements.

3 Yes $0 $0

The Council should document policies and implement procedures for subrecipient suspension and debarment that meet NEA guidelines

4 Yes $0 $0

The Council should document policies and implement procedures and controls to ensure panelist conflicts of interest are identified and addressed.

5 Yes $1,800 $0 Recommendation to the NEA.

The NEA should disallow the $1,800 in unsupported 2021 award costs.

6 Yes $1,560 $0 Recommendation to the NEA.

NEA should disallow the $1,560 unallowable ARP activity costs from the 2020 award and determine whether a refund is due.

National Endowment for the Arts OIG

United States