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Report File
Date Issued
Submitting OIG
Department of the Interior OIG
Other Participating OIGs
Department of the Interior OIG
Agencies Reviewed/Investigated
Department of the Interior
Bureau of Indian Affairs
Report Number
Report Description

We determined that the Omaha Tribe did not follow applicable requirements in an agreement with the BIA.

Report Type
Special Projects
Agency Wide
Number of Recommendations
Questioned Costs
Funds for Better Use

Open Recommendations

This report has 7 open recommendations.
Recommendation Number Significant Recommendation Recommended Questioned Costs Recommended Funds for Better Use Additional Details
2021-FIN-032-B-01 No $29,574 $0

We recommend that the BIA resolve the unreasonable hazard pay costs of $29,574 by requiring the Omaha Tribe to perform an analysis of the costs incurred to applicable criteria and document its determination of reasonableness.

2021-FIN-032-B-02 No $27,841 $0

We recommend that the BIA resolve the questioned hazard pay costs of $27,841 for Payment 1 by requiring the Omaha Tribe to provide detailed reconciliation of incurred costs to supporting documentation.

2021-FIN-032-B-03 No $182,388 $0

We recommend that the BIA resolve the questioned costs of $182,388 for Payment 2 by requiring the Omaha Tribe to provide detailed complete supporting documentation for the hazard pay and indirect costs.

2021-FIN-032-B-04 No $0 $0

We recommend that the BIA review the Omaha Tribe’s revised policy regarding the custody of checks and document that proper controls have been implemented.

2021-FIN-032-B-05 No $42,067 $0

We recommend that the BIA resolve the questioned costs of $42,067 by requiring the Omaha Tribe to provide a detailed list of the questioned transactions and voided checks to the BIA for its files to ensure these transactions are not claimed for reimbursement.

2021-FIN-032-B-06 No $10,792 $0

We recommend that the BIA resolve the questioned costs of $10,792 by requiring the Omaha Tribe to reallocate these costs to the appropriate funding source.

2021-FIN-032-B-07 No $0 $0

We recommend that the BIA require the Omaha Tribe to revise its policy to ensure a complete property record for CARES Act-funded assets in accordance with 2 C.F.R. § 200.313(d)(1).

Department of the Interior OIG

United States