For most Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) employees, annual compensation consists of two components: base pay (salary) and pay at risk (Winning Performance [WP]). WP is a performance management program designed to promote teamwork, encourage high performance behaviors, and motivate and reward TVA employees for achieving goals aligned with TVA’s mission and values. We included an audit of TVA’s Load Not Served (LNS) WP measure in our annual audit plan because LNS was the second highest weighted measure in the fiscal year (FY) 2022 WP scorecard. LNS, which is an estimate of the megawatt hours not delivered when an interruption to a customer connection point is greater than or equal to 1 minute, was weighted at 30 percent at the target level on the WP scorecard for FY 2022. TVA’s total payout for WP for FY 2022 was $147.8 million, based on a total payout percentage of 119 percent of target. The LNS goal was paid at the threshold level for FY 2022 (50 percent of target) and accounted for about $18.6 million of the total $147.8 million payout. Our audit objective was to determine if adequate internal controls were in place to ensure accurate calculation and reporting of the LNS WP measure. Our audit scope included the LNS totals reported for WP in FY 2022 and the calculations’ compliance with Transmission Standard Programs and Processes (TRANS-SPP) 10.001, Rev. 5, Service Interruption Database Guidelines. Our scope did not include an assessment of the reasonableness of any exclusions allowed by TRANS-SPP-10.001.We determined the significant internal controls we identified for accurate LNS calculations were operating effectively. However, there were not adequate controls in place to ensure proper management approval of LNS exclusions. Additionally, we found some user access permissions were not appropriate.
Report File
Date Issued
Submitting OIG
Tennessee Valley Authority OIG
Other Participating OIGs
Tennessee Valley Authority OIG
Agencies Reviewed/Investigated
Tennessee Valley Authority
Report Number
Report Description
Report Type
Agency Wide
Number of Recommendations
Questioned Costs
Funds for Better Use