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Report File
Date Issued
Submitting OIG
Department of Education OIG
Other Participating OIGs
Department of Education OIG
Agencies Reviewed/Investigated
Department of Education
Office of Elementary and Secondary Education
Report Number
Report Description

The objectives of the audit were to determine whether the Kentucky Department of Education (Kentucky) had an adequate oversight process in place to ensure that (1) local educational agencies’ (LEA) American Rescue Plan (ARP) Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) plans met applicable requirements and (2) LEAs use ARP ESSER funds in accordance with applicable requirements and their approved LEA ARP ESSER plans. Overall, we found that Kentucky had adequate processes to ensure that LEA ARP ESSER plans met applicable requirements. We also determined that the ARP ESSER plans for Warren County and Jefferson County met applicable requirements and that Kentucky was consistent in how it reviewed and approved the two plans. We did, however, find that Kentucky’s process for reviewing LEA ARP ESSER reimbursement requests should be documented and could be strengthened to provide additional assurance that LEAs use ARP ESSER funds for allowable purposes. Although Kentucky had been consistent in how it oversees LEAs’ use of ARP ESSER funds, it did not request a listing of expenditures or review any supporting documentation from LEAs as part of its review of LEA reimbursement requests. Without supporting documentation to verify that the expenditures are allowable and properly accounted for, there is an increased risk that Kentucky will not identify or become aware of significant compliance issues involving the ARP ESSER program. Additionally, Kentucky did not have written policies and procedures to guide personnel through the reimbursement process. Without documented processes for reviewing LEA reimbursement requests, Kentucky officials might not fully understand what is expected of them or what they should be reviewing. This could result in inconsistencies in how Kentucky personnel perform these reviews and missed opportunities to identify unallowable or questionable expenditures that should be analyzed more closely. Also, at the end of our fieldwork, Kentucky had designed but not yet started additional monitoring of selected LEAs based on their overall risk. After the exit conference, Kentucky provided us with written policies and procedures for its ARP ESSER monitoring process. We reviewed those policies and procedures and concluded that they were designed in a way that should enable Kentucky to identify and select high-risk LEAs for review and detect instances of noncompliance during monitoring reviews.

Report Type
Special Projects
Agency Wide
Questioned Costs
Funds for Better Use

Open Recommendations

This report has 3 open recommendations.
Recommendation Number Significant Recommendation Recommended Questioned Costs Recommended Funds for Better Use Additional Details
2.1 Yes $0 $0

We recommend that the Assistant Secretary for the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education require Kentucky todesign and document procedures to guide Kentucky personnel through the LEA reimbursement request process. Theprocedures should be in the form of written policies and procedures or protocols, and designed to ensure compliance withapplicable requirements, including those covered in 2 C.F.R. Part 200 (Uniform Guidance) and ARP.

2.2 Yes $0 $0

We recommend that the Assistant Secretary for the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education require Kentucky to,in order to address the heightened risk associated with ARP ESSER funds, design and incorporate into its documentedprocedures for reviewing LEA reimbursement requests protocols to sample LEA expenditures charged to ARP ESSERand review supporting documentation to ensure that applicable Federal, State, and local requirements are met.

2.3 Yes $0 $0

We recommend that the Assistant Secretary for the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education require Kentucky toimplement its ARP ESSER monitoring policies and procedures, as designed, to provide additional assurance that LEAsuse ARP ESSER funds in accordance with applicable requirements and their approved ARP ESSER plans.

Department of Education OIG

United States