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Report File
Date Issued
Submitting OIG
Department of Defense OIG
Other Participating OIGs
Department of Defense OIG
Agencies Reviewed/Investigated
Department of Defense
Report Number
Report Type
Agency Wide
Number of Recommendations
Questioned Costs
Funds for Better Use

Open Recommendations

This report has 7 open recommendations.
Recommendation Number Significant Recommendation Recommended Questioned Costs Recommended Funds for Better Use Additional Details
D-2024-0063-D000RJ-0001-0001.a No $0 $0

(U) Rec. 1.a: The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander of the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing develop and implement procedures requiring incoming 379th Air Expeditionary Wing weapons safety managers to Review all in-process and completed explosives safety site plans to ensure explosives safety site plans are current.

D-2024-0063-D000RJ-0001-0001.b No $0 $0

(U) Rec. 1.b: The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander of the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing develop and implement procedures requiring incoming 379th Air Expeditionary Wing weapons safety managers to review net explosive weight limits in the Theater Integrated Combat Munitions System for all munitions storage structures to ensure they align with net explosive weight limits in DoD Explosive Safety Board-approved explosives safety site plans.

D-2024-0063-D000RJ-0001-0001.c No $0 $0

(U) Rec. 1.c: The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander of the 379th Air Expeditionary Wing develop and implement procedures requiring incoming 379th Air Expeditionary Wing weapons safety managers to Verify at least quarterly the net explosive weight totals in all munitions storage structures at Al Udeid Air Base to ensure all organizations storing munitions comply with net explosive weight limits.

D-2024-0063-D000RJ-0001-0002.a No $0 $0

(U) Rec. 2.a: The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander of U.S. Air Forces Central Detachment 6 ensure contractor personnel update courtesy storage agreements to require tenant organizations to initially report all munitions data, including net explosive weight totals, and to report changes in munitions storage to the contractor.

D-2024-0063-D000RJ-0001-0002.b No $0 $0

(U) Rec. 2.b: The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander of U.S. Air Forces Central Detachment 6 ensure contractor personnel track the net explosive weight totals for all munitions stored in the munitions storage area.

D-2024-0063-D000RJ-0001-0002.c No $0 $0

(U) Rec. 2.c: The DoD OIG recommended that the Commander of U.S. Air Forces Central Detachment 6 ensure that the contracting officer's representative audits include the contractor's compliance with tracking net explosive weight totals for all munitions, including tenant organization munitions, stored in the munitions storage area.

D-2024-0063-D000RJ-0001-0002.d No $0 $0

(U) Rec. 2.d: This recommendation is Controlled Unclassified Information

Department of Defense OIG

United States