Open Recommendations
Recommendation Number | Significant Recommendation | Recommended Questioned Costs | Recommended Funds for Better Use | Additional Details | |
D-2023-0061-D000RG-0001-0001.A1 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
Rec. A.1: The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment update DoD Instruction 4165.70, "Real Property Management," April 6, 2005, to include the requirement to incorporate climate resilience plans in all installation Master Plans. | |||||
D-2023-0061-D000RG-0001-0002.A2ae | No | $0 | $0 | ||
Rec. A.2.a-e: The DoD OIG recommended that the Under Secretary of Defense for Acquisition and Sustainment update DoD Instruction 4165.70, "Real Property Management," April 6, 2005 to: a. Define the climate hazards so that climate impacts are being reported consistently across the DoD and require the military installations to address the rationale for the climate hazards that were determined not applicable to the installation. b. List DoD-approved sources of information. c. Require military installations to assess the accuracy of the information contained in any data source that is not included in the approved list and provide a summary of that assessment in the Installation Climate Resilience Plan. d. Standardize the Installation Climate Resilience Plan report format. e. Establish standardized risk rating categories and define those risk rating categories. | |||||
D-2023-0061-D000RG-0001-0003.A3.1 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
Rec. A.3: The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Construction in coordination with the Commanders of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, and Air Force Civil Engineer Center update Unified Facilities Criteria 2-100-01, "Installation Master Planning," September 30, 2020, and then the Military Departments update their respective handbooks to include the policy updates for Recommendations A.2.a through A.2.e and the requirement for each installation to assess the climate hazards outlined in the updated Unified Facilities Criteria 2-100-01, "Installation Master Planning," September 30, 2020. | |||||
D-2023-0061-D000RG-0001-0003.A3.2 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
Rec. A.3: The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Construction in coordination with the Commanders of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, and Air Force Civil Engineer Center update Unified Facilities Criteria 2-100-01, "Installation Master Planning," September 30, 2020, and then the Military Departments update their respective handbooks to include the policy updates for Recommendations A.2.a through A.2.e and the requirement for each installation to assess the climate hazards outlined in the updated Unified Facilities Criteria 2-100-01, "Installation Master Planning," September 30, 2020. | |||||
D-2023-0061-D000RG-0001-0003.A3.3 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
Rec. A.3: The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Construction in coordination with the Commanders of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, and Air Force Civil Engineer Center update Unified Facilities Criteria 2-100-01, "Installation Master Planning," September 30, 2020, and then the Military Departments update their respective handbooks to include the policy updates for Recommendations A.2.a through A.2.e and the requirement for each installation to assess the climate hazards outlined in the updated Unified Facilities Criteria 2-100-01, "Installation Master Planning," September 30, 2020. | |||||
D-2023-0061-D000RG-0001-0003.A3.4 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
Rec. A.3: The DoD OIG recommended that the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Construction in coordination with the Commanders of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, and Air Force Civil Engineer Center update Unified Facilities Criteria 2-100-01, "Installation Master Planning," September 30, 2020, and then the Military Departments update their respective handbooks to include the policy updates for Recommendations A.2.a through A.2.e and the requirement for each installation to assess the climate hazards outlined in the updated Unified Facilities Criteria 2-100-01, "Installation Master Planning," September 30, 2020. | |||||
D-2023-0061-D000RG-0001-0004.A4.1 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
Rec. A.4: The DoD OIG recommended that, after the update to DoD Instruction 4165.70 and Unified Facilities Criteria 2-100-01, the Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Commander of the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, and the Commander of the Air Force Civil Engineer Center update their respective guidance to include the requirement for each installation to assess all elements required by Public Law 116-92, "The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020," section 2801, "Military installation resilience plans and projects," December 20, 2019, and outlined in the updated Unified Facilities Criteria 2-100-1, "Installation Master Planning," September 30, 2020. | |||||
D-2023-0061-D000RG-0001-0004.A4.2 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
Rec. A.4: The DoD OIG recommended that, after the update to DoD Instruction 4165.70 and Unified Facilities Criteria 2-100-01, the Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Commander of the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, and the Commander of the Air Force Civil Engineer Center update their respective guidance to include the requirement for each installation to assess all elements required by Public Law 116-92, "The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020," section 2801, "Military installation resilience plans and projects," December 20, 2019, and outlined in the updated Unified Facilities Criteria 2-100-1, "Installation Master Planning," September 30, 2020. | |||||
D-2023-0061-D000RG-0001-0004.A4.3 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
Rec. A.4: The DoD OIG recommended that, after the update to DoD Instruction 4165.70 and Unified Facilities Criteria 2-100-01, the Commander of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Commander of the Naval Facilities Engineering Systems Command, and the Commander of the Air Force Civil Engineer Center update their respective guidance to include the requirement for each installation to assess all elements required by Public Law 116-92, "The National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2020," section 2801, "Military installation resilience plans and projects," December 20, 2019, and outlined in the updated Unified Facilities Criteria 2-100-1, "Installation Master Planning," September 30, 2020. |