United States
Open Recommendations
Recommendation Number | Significant Recommendation | Recommended Questioned Costs | Recommended Funds for Better Use | Additional Details | |
24-A-07-060.01 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
We recommend that the Alabama Medicaid Agency refund to the Federal government $5,039,433 (Federal Share) in overpayments. | |||||
24-A-07-060.02 | No | $0 | $0 | ||
We recommend that the Alabama Medicaid Agency improve TCM program oversight by giving additional guidance to TCM providers regarding: billing of services, to verify that they are allowable and nonduplicative; case manager hiring practices, to verify adherence with the State plan's qualification requirements; target group eligibility screening processes, so that only eligible individuals receive TCM services; and the maintenance of supporting documentation for billed services. |