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Report File
Date Issued
Submitting OIG
AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General
Other Participating OIGs
AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General
Agencies Reviewed/Investigated
Report Number
Report Description

The AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General (AmeriCorps OIG) investigated allegations that the former Executive Director (ED) of the Volunteer and Community Service Commission of Puerto Rico (Commission) attempted to use AmeriCorps funds to award a sole-source contract to a close friend, required prayers before AmeriCorps events, and requested subgrantees allow AmeriCorps members to perform service outside the scope of their grant. AmeriCorps OIG’s investigation confirmed the allegations regarding the sole-source contract and that the former ED required a prayer before the start of multiple AmeriCorps events. The investigation also found that the Commission was not reimbursing its subgrantees in a timely manner and that a former Commission Program Coordinator was improperly paid $2,825.

Report Type
Agency Wide
Questioned Costs
Funds for Better Use

AmeriCorps Office of Inspector General