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Smithsonian Institution
Federal Agency

United States

What to Report to the OIG Hotline
OIG Hotline receives complaints of fraud, waste, or abuse in Smithsonian programs and operations, including mismanagement or violations of law, rules, or regulations by Smithsonian employees, contractors, or others affiliated with the Smithsonian. Please be as specific as possible. Provide relevant names, dates and times, locations, how you became aware of the issue, the names of others affected by the issue, and other facts that would aid our understanding of the problem.
What Not to Report to the OIG Hotline
Minor incidents — such as minor time and attendance abuse or misuse of government property — should be reported to appropriate Smithsonian managers. Personnel matters involving requests for individual relief should be handled through the appropriate grievance process with Smithsonian management, the Office of Human Resources, or the Office of Equal Employment and Supplier Diversity. For other questions and concerns about the Smithsonian but not involving fraud, waste, or abuse in Smithsonian programs, go to the Smithsonian's contact webpage.

Information Security: Fiscal Year 2024 Independent Evaluation of the Smithsonian Institution’s Information Security Program

Smithsonian Institution OIG
Smithsonian Institution

The Office of the Inspector General contracted with Castro & Company, LLC to evaluate the effectiveness ofthe Smithsonian's information security program in fiscal year 2024. For Fiscal year 2024, Castro found that the Smithsonian Institution’s Information security program was effective overall...

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