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State of Arizona
Federal Agency

United States

Follow Up: Arizona school districts' and charter schools', and ADE's discretionary, COVID-19 federal relief spending - in fiscal year 2022 and in total through June 30, 2022

Arizona Auditor General
State of Arizona

This special report provides summary information and four interactive dashboards with Arizona school districts' and chart schools' reported spending in fiscal year 2022 and in total through June 30, 2022, and planned future spending of allocated/awarded COVID-19 federal relief monies as required by...

Arizona School Districts’ and Charter Schools’, and ADE’s Discretionary, COVID-19 Federal Relief Spending— Fiscal Year 2022 and In Total Through June 30, 2022

Arizona Auditor General
State of Arizona

This special report provides summary information and 4 interactive dashboards with Arizona school districts’ and charter schools’ reported spending in FY 2022 and in total through June 30, 2022, and planned future spending of allocated/awarded COVID-19 federal relief monies, as required by Laws 2021...

Special COVID-19 Funding Report: Federal COVID-19 monies allocated to Arizona

Arizona Auditor General
State of Arizona

Since March 2020, early in the COVID-19 pandemic, and through September 2022, the federal government has allocated through various acts $77.8 billion to the State of Arizona and its local governments, businesses, and individuals for COVID-19 response and relief efforts. This special COVID-19 funding...

Arizona school districts’ and charter schools’, and ADE’s discretionary, COVID-19 federal relief spending—through June 30, 2021

Arizona Auditor General
State of Arizona

This special report provides summary information and 3 interactive dashboards with Arizona school districts’ and charter schools’ reported spending through June 30, 2021, and planned spending of allocated/awarded COVID-19 federal relief monies. This special report also provides Arizona Department of...

Report on Internal Control and on Compliance Year Ended June 30, 2020

Arizona Auditor General
State of Arizona

Based on our audit of the State’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (Financial Report), we reported internal control weaknesses and instances of noncompliance over financial reporting that are included in our Report on Internal Control and on Compliance. For example, the Department of Economic...

Special COVID-19 Funding Report: Federal COVID-19 monies allocated to Arizona

Arizona Auditor General
State of Arizona

Since March 2020, early in the COVID-19 pandemic, and through September 2022, the federal government has allocated through various acts $77.8 billion to the State of Arizona and its local governments, businesses, and individuals for COVID-19 response and relief efforts. This special COVID-19 funding...

Arizona school districts’ and charter schools’, and ADE’s discretionary, COVID-19 federal relief spending—through June 30, 2021

Arizona Auditor General
State of Arizona

This special report provides summary information and 3 interactive dashboards with Arizona school districts’ and charter schools’ reported spending through June 30, 2021, and planned spending of allocated/awarded COVID-19 federal relief monies. This special report also provides Arizona Department of...

Arizona school districts’ and charter schools’, and ADE’s discretionary, COVID-19 federal relief spending—through June 30, 2021

Arizona Auditor General
State of Arizona

This special report provides summary information and 3 interactive dashboards with Arizona school districts’ and charter schools’ reported spending through June 30, 2021, and planned spending of allocated/awarded COVID-19 federal relief monies. This special report also provides Arizona Department of...

Arizona school districts’ and charter schools’, and ADE’s discretionary, COVID-19 federal relief spending—through June 30, 2021

Arizona Auditor General
State of Arizona

This special report provides summary information and 3 interactive dashboards with Arizona school districts’ and charter schools’ reported spending through June 30, 2021, and planned spending of allocated/awarded COVID-19 federal relief monies. This special report also provides Arizona Department of...

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