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Recommendation Details
Text of Recommendation
Rec. 1.b: Depending on the results of the Commander's review, the DoD OIG recommended that the Commander, U.S. European Command, take one of the following two actions: * If the Commander determines additional security classification guidance is required, then they should update the U.S. European Command security classification guide and direct subordinate commands, as applicable, to create or update security classification guides that include classification instructions for the DoD's Ukraine security assistance mission. The Commander should issue clarifying guidance to all supporting staff and commands that reinforces the need to follow the new or updated security classification guides. * If the Commander determines existing classification guidance is sufficient, they should issue clarifying guidance to U.S. European Command staff and subordinate commands that reinforces the existence of and need to follow applicable security classification guides when marking, storing, and disseminating information related to the DoD's Ukraine security assistance mission in Europe.
Recommendation Number
Recommendation Status
Significant Recommendation
Recommendation Questioned Costs
Recommendation Funds for Better Use