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Inspection of Information Security at the Health Eligibility Center in Atlanta, Georgia

Inspection / Evaluation
Department of Veterans Affairs OIG
Department of Veterans Affairs

The VA Office of Inspector General’s information security inspection program assesses whether VA facilities are meeting federal security requirements related to four control areas the OIG determined to be at highest risk. For this inspection, the OIG selected the Health Eligibility Center (HEC) in...

Independent Audit Report of a Dialysis Provider’s Contract Pricing and Billing Compliance

Department of Veterans Affairs OIG
Department of Veterans Affairs

To meet the healthcare needs of eligible veterans, VA contracts with community providers for dialysis. These contracted community providers must accurately price dialysis procedures when submitting claims for payment. In October 2013, VA awarded a contract to a dialysis provider. When that contract...

Heart Transplant Program Review: Facility Leaders Failed to Ensure a Culture of Safety and the Section Chief Engaged in Unprofessional Conduct at the Richmond VA Medical Center in Virginia

Inspection / Evaluation
Department of Veterans Affairs OIG
Department of Veterans Affairs

The VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted a healthcare inspection to review allegations regarding the heart transplant program and the performance and behavior of the cardiothoracic section chief (section chief). The OIG also reviewed the temporary inactivation of the heart transplant...

Care in the Community Inspection of VA MidSouth Healthcare Network (VISN 9) and Selected VA Medical Centers

Inspection / Evaluation
Department of Veterans Affairs OIG
Department of Veterans Affairs

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) Care in the Community program evaluates selected performance elements of the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) Veterans Community Care Program. The resulting report describes selected care coordination activities required to initiate and process referrals for...

Veterans Health Administration Initiated Toxic Exposure Screening as Required by the Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act but Improvements Needed in the Training Process

Department of Veterans Affairs OIG
Department of Veterans Affairs

The VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted a national review to evaluate Veterans Health Administration’s (VHA’s) implementation of the PACT Act of 2022, which mandated veteran toxic exposure screenings, and required clinical staff training. Section 603 of the PACT Act mandated that, within...

VBA Did Not Ensure Employees Sent Some Letters Using Its Package Manager Application

Department of Veterans Affairs OIG
Department of Veterans Affairs

Package Manager is part of the Centralized Benefits Communication Management Program introduced in 2018 to modernize VBA mailing. The application bundles documents from veterans’ electronic claims folders and standard enclosures into virtual packages for printing and mailing. Employees then must...

Healthcare Facility Inspection of the VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System in Cleveland

Inspection / Evaluation
Department of Veterans Affairs OIG
Department of Veterans Affairs

This Office of Inspector General (OIG) Healthcare Facility Inspection program report describes the results of a focused evaluation of the care provided at VA Northeast Ohio Healthcare System in Cleveland. This evaluation focused on five key content domains:• Culture• Environment of care• Patient...

Inspection of Select Vet Centers in Pacific District 5 Zone 1

Inspection / Evaluation
Department of Veterans Affairs OIG
Department of Veterans Affairs

The VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) Vet Center Inspection Program provides a focused evaluation of aspects of the quality of care delivered at vet centers. The OIG inspected four randomly selected vet centers throughout Pacific district 5 zone 1: Anchorage, Alaska; Eugene, Oregon; and Everett...

Leaders Failed to Address Community Care Consult Delays Despite Staff’s Advocacy Efforts at VA Western New York Healthcare System in Buffalo

Inspection / Evaluation
Department of Veterans Affairs OIG
Department of Veterans Affairs

The VA Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducted a healthcare inspection to assess allegations regarding community care consult appointment scheduling practices and delays for patients with serious health conditions who received community care at the VA Western New York Healthcare System (system)...

VHA Needs to Establish Internal Controls for Developing Its Ambulatory Care Budget Estimate

Department of Veterans Affairs OIG
Department of Veterans Affairs

Ambulatory care, which refers to medical services performed in outpatient settings, is the basis by which most care is delivered within the Veterans Health Administration (VHA) healthcare system. Because over half of VHA’s medical care budget is for ambulatory care (about $65.1 billion for FY 2023)...

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